Monday, February 22, 2016

Mediterranean diet and its benefits.

Mediterranean diet

All of us have heard that the Mediterranean diet is one of the most healthy and balanced diets in the world, but what makes it so special ?!. 

It reduces significantly the risk of appearance of cardiovascular diseases, it protects us from obesity, it reduces the concentration of bad cholesterol (Low density lipoprotein), it reduces blood pressure and offers us longevity. The Mediterranean diet,
combined with daily exercise and a healthy way of life, protects the human body from all the above diseases plus gives all the energy that the human organism needs everyday.     

Nowadays, this low fat, high energy diet has been adopted by many people all over the world. Studies have shown that people who live in countries such as Italy, Greece, Spain, had less problems with their hearts and cardiovascular systems, plus longevity, contrary to the people who live in America and north Europe. The reason is mostly the consumption of olive oil which is the basis of the Mediterranean diet and exists in almost everyday meal. This specific diet consists of : Fruits, vegetables, olive oil and olives, wine, cheese, fish, legumes, herbs, whole-wheat bread, chicken, eggs and meat. 

A simple diet based on daily consumption of olive oil, vegetable fibers, fruits and water, dairy products, whole-wheat pasta and bread and small portions of wine. Weakly consumption of fish, poultry, legumes and products of animal origin such as eggs and monthly consumption of  red meat. All of the above improve our health, reduce the feeling of hunger and help us control our body weight. All these foods contribute to a better life, leaving your mind only one feeling, the feeling of Euphoria...!

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