Thursday, March 24, 2016

The anniversary of the Greek revolution

Agia Lavra- The raise of the revolution flag

“It’s better to live one hour as a free man, than forty years as a slave
Rigas Feraios- Greek writer  (1757-1798)

The 25th March is a national celebration in Greece. On this day, we honor the heroes of the Greek revolution in 1821, who with courage and patriotism gave their lives for the freedom of our country. From 29th May 1453, after the fall of the City, and for four centuries, the Greeks lived under the Ottoman yoke. Many Greeks could not withstand the Ottoman yoke and took refuge in the mountains. These were the pioneers of the Greek revolution.

On 25th March 1821, at the monastery of “Megisti Lavra” in Kalavryta, the bishop Palaion Patron Germanos raised the revolution banner. It was then, that officially the revolution had started and led the Greeks after many fights and sacrifices to the liberation and recognition of the Greek state in 1830 with the treaty of London.
Two years later, in 14 August 1832were defined the borders of Greece. In December of the same year the Ottoman Empire accepts this decision and starts the course of the New Greek State. The celebration of the 25th March as a national holyday was established by decree in 1838 and the same year were made the first official celebrations.

That year a thanksgiving celebration took place in the temple of Agia Irini in Athens, where a great number of people had gathered and between them were many fighters of the revolution, who were deified. After the thanksgiving a feast begun in the Klathmonos square in Athens and in the evening they lighted fires at the Acropolis. Since then the 25th March is celebrated each year as a day dedicated to the heroes of the 1821 revolution.

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