Monday, May 23, 2016

Pandora's Box

According to Greek mythology Pandora's Box contained all evils known to humanity such as illness, mortality, hate, war and death. The curiosity of a woman called Pandora who opened the box left all hardships for humanity free, leaving only Hope inside the Box. But who was Pandora?!

Pandora (all-gifted) was the first human woman on earth. Pandora was Hephaestus's creation. He made her from earth and water.
All Gods bestowed upon her the gifts of speech, beauty, grace, charm, music, persuasion, curiosity e.t.c.

Zeus had ordered Hephaestus to create Pandora as a gift to the Titan Epimetheus who was the brother of the Titan Prometheus. But Zeus had planned a punishment for humans who had received the stolen gift of fire from Prometheus. Zeus used the tragic figure of Pandora as a tool to achieve his plan. 

Zeus had chained Prometheus to a rock as a punishment for his actions, but this was not enough for the God of thunder. He knew that Epimetheus felt lonely now that his brother was away so he gave him Pandora. As a gift for their wedding, Zeus gave them a box and its key but with one condition that they should never open it. Zeus was the one that had given Pandora the gift of curiosity and knew that she couldn't easily resist opening the box and so she did...  

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