Monday, August 8, 2016

What to do to have a healthy life

But what is health?! The term health refers mainly to two different meanings. The first is our physical health which relates to our muscles, internal organs, skin, bones and cardiovascular system. The second one is our mental health which relates to our emotional and psychological well-being, our ability to cope with the stresses of life and a good mental health helps us enjoy life.

Some tips to improve your physical and mental health:
1.    The power of laughter! Laughter annihilates stress and fear, releases endorphins which are chemicals produced by the central nervous system and increase our resistance to pain. It can also boost our immune system and it can be a good abs workout as it expands and contracts our abs group of muscles. So laugh to your heart’s content!
2.    Listen to your favorite music or choose your favorite instrument and start music lessons if you haven’t already! Studies have shown that music affects the part of the brain which controls feelings and emotions. It can reduce stress and anxiety, elevate mood, help you sleep better and motivate you to workout.
3.    Feeling motivated yet?! Now it’s the time to start working out! A regular physical activity program will benefit your body and mind as it can help you lose and control your weight, boost your immune system and protect you against health conditions and diseases, improve your muscle strength and endurance and even improve your self-confidence and self-esteem.
4.    Change your diet! Good and balanced nutrition is the key to a healthy and improved life. Eat a variety of foods drink lots of water which considering the above mentioned will improve your physical and mental health fast.

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